BURUNDI, IMBUTO | Cup Score 85
BURUNDI, IMBUTO | Cup Score 85
لا يمكن عرض توفر الإستلام

Roast Level – Medium
Variety – Bourbon
Preparation – Washed
Location – Ngozi Province, North of Burundi
Altitude – 1750-1850m ASL
Image courtesy of cafe imports
IMBUTO is 100% pure Arabica, processed at Gatukuza Coffee Station. The specialty coffee produced comes from farmers from different villages surrounding the washing station that range in altitudes of 1,750m to 1,850m ASL, whereas the farmers are grouped in different associations producing excellent coffee beans traditionally known for their quality.
Burundi is relatively new to the specialty coffee scene, as the farmers have been growing mostly organic coffee only since the 1930s and only recently have its great coffees made it to the radar of specialty coffee connoisseurs.

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